Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Walt Wawra, a police officer from Kalamazoo Michigan, went on a trip to Calgary in nearby Canada. The trip took he and his wife to a park where, in the middle of broad daylight, they were accosted by two men and the harrowing experience nearly cost them their lives. Lucky to have escaped, Walt wrote […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today I noticed a story that caught me a bit by surprise. The story connected two things I hadn’t previously related. Those two things were “illegal alien” and “slur”. I had never thought of the phrase representing a slur though, on second thought, I can certainly understand how someone in that situation might be less […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Mitt Romney spoke to the NAACP the other day and the event was quite interesting in how the media (on all sides) chose to cover it. However, much of what I’m seeing on Fox News and other conservative outlets points to exactly the kind of thing conservatives rail on continuously—a liberal bias in coverage. Almost […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today’s stunning Supreme Court decision upholding so-called “ObamaCare” reminded me of a point I’ve been wanting to write about for a few days involving the concept of “proof” of one’s opinions and how this is one of the biggest problems I find with my friends on the Right. It reminded me of this because virtually […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today I had to run an errand and, as I’ve noted before, my car radio is generally tuned to the local conservative station in town. The 15 minutes I spent in the car was during Rush Limbaugh‘s time slot. I will say it right up front. I despise Rush. He represents everything that I find […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The huge chasm between the right and left of politics in America isn’t going to abate until both sides can admit that reason is being trumped by ulterior motives. A case in point was had on the local conservative radio station here that I checked in on while at the gym (the bike I chose […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’m continually astounded by the sheer number of areas where Republicans claim to be supporters of the Constitution and the concept of capitalism along with being dead-set against other concepts like socialism or nationalism, only to then go down a path that clearly stands in sharp contrast to all those stated concerns. During the administration […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

The conservative media is up in arms about the HBO movie about Sarah Palin and the 2008 bid for the White House. The attacks are all extremely predictable: HBO is a bastion of liberal Hollywood elitists bent on the destruction of traditional American values and the indoctrination of easily-led would-be socialists. Of course 95% of […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

In the Republican stratosphere no one plays to a bunch of blind followers more than Sean Hannity. The man will say and do anything with zero regard for any sense of irony or hypocrisy what-so-ever. Tonight, while at the gym, I caught just a few minutes of his show during coverage of the primaries in […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

When I first heard about Rush Limbaugh‘s comments regarding Sandra Fluke, I started to wonder how it was the radio host managed to come to the conclusion that his position on this was on any sort of solid footing. Don’t get me wrong: Limbaugh, as I noted, has a history of insulting comments but this […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

I will state right off that I’m not a Rush Limbaugh fan in any way other than to credit him for becoming so successful. I’ve been aware of Limbaugh since the late 80’s. His approach has never wavered. It’s always political shock value of the highest order. For many years I believed that’s all it […]

Politics 2016 Republican Debate #1

An altercation happened near the White House between Bill O’Reilly and an Occupy protester who approached him while Bill was on his way to the White House. Word of it got out so O’Reilly opened his TV show with his version of what happened. You can get the video for yourself on several sites including […]