Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

To my ear there’s now little doubt that the Operation Wall Street initiative has the entire conservative media flummoxed. They not only have no idea what to make of it, but in typical fashion, fear what they don’t understand and are doing everything in their power to ridicule and diminish it at every turn. This morning […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Last night I got my first up-close look at the Occupy Philadelphia effort and, I have to say, it was a pretty awe-inspiring sight. City Hall looked like it had been carefully re-zoned as a campground site with literally hundreds of tents set in very organized rows and columns all over the grounds. There were […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today’s news includes a surprisingly early endorsement of Mitt Romney from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. What I found interesting about this endorsement is its timing just a stone’s throw after Christie dashed any hopes of his running for President. What I suspect is that Christie really did re-consider his potential candidacy but without ever […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The current news cycle is full of great commentary on the dawning realization that Mitt Romney is very likely to be the GOP‘s candidate come next November. The biggest issue of contention is his Mormon faith and the ballerina-like moves the other candidates are employing to avoid having to say what they really believe about Romney and Mormonism. […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

I’ve spent my entire adult life enamored with technology and mainly by computers. Much of my vocational career has been dominated by computing and my hobbies are intricately intertwined with them. My first computing experience was on a friend’s Apple II system back in the late 1970’s and continuing on into the early 1980’s. The […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Over the course of the last two debates Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has shown everyone why she’s not Presidential material. I’ve been listening to this woman for quite some time now as some of the radio shows I used to monitor were from her neck of the woods so her name would come up often. Her […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

This morning I got an interesting e-mail from the CEO of Netflix including both an apology and an explanation of what they’ve been up to. Clearly things are very volatile at that company these days. The letter laid out the break-up of Netflix into two companies. Netflix will continue on as a streaming-only company (at least […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

The Tea Party debate was held last night on CNN and anyone that missed it really did themselves a disservice as it showcased exactly everything everyone else needs to know about the Tea Party and why virtually everything they stand for is bad for this country. The very first thought I had was that candidate […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

There’s been much made over the issue of the emergence of what’s being called “cloud computing”. Essentially the concept is a bit hazy on the definition with much of it focusing on two key elements: The data involved being stored remotely on a service’s servers and the concept of browser-based server-side applications instead of client-side […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Google is renowned for hiring only the best of the best but the following situation will demonstrate clearly that sometimes the best and the brightest can be about as dim as a reading light on two-year-old batteries. First a bit of background. I’m not a huge text message guy. I came to text messaging a […]

Everything Else 2016 Republican Debate #1

Today the FCC killed the Fairness Doctrine. This policy at the FCC was created in 1949 to assure that all broadcasts presented issues in a way they deemed as “fair”. Of course that concept is all too flexible and could be construed in different light depending on any number of political pressures. It’s been a […]