DIRECTOR: Larry Charles

Movies The Dictator Movie Shot

Sasha Baron Cohen is this generation’s version of Robin Williams especially with respect to the way he handles his own public relations. He’ll often appear as a character on a talk show and not stray from that persona the entire time. Most people I know despise this type of approach and yet people just keep doing […]

Movies Bruno Movie Shot

This weekend I found the time to do something I haven’t done in a while and that’s seeing two movies. The first film was Bruno. This is the second movie from Sacha Baron Cohen who first brought us the hilarious Borat. When Borat first came on the scene I avoided it for quite some time. […]

Movies Religulous Movie Shot

The second movie of the week is Bill Maher‘s Religulous. Maher has made a career out of questioning religion in all forms and Religulous is his attempt to bring that question to the masses. This one is pretty much as I expected. I’m a big fan of Maher but he tends to rant on some subjects and […]