Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Review
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness delivers two hours of fun with plenty for both Marvel and Sam Raimi fans to celebrate.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness delivers two hours of fun with plenty for both Marvel and Sam Raimi fans to celebrate.
You’ve all heard the expression “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.” I would say that it’s true in most cases. Oz The Great and Powerful may just be that exception. With the word “Oz” in its title, a structure much like the classic […]
James Franco materializes in the form of the famous wizard in the prequel tale of Oz The Great And Powerful. The story takes us back to the merry old land of Oz to revisit the famous L. Frank Baum characters from The Wizard of Oz. Just about everyone here knows the tale as it’s been […]
The career of Sam Raimi has been filled with films that impress all types of audiences. His big directorial break came in 1981 with the release of The Evil Dead. He solidified his reputation as a horror master with 1992s Army of Darkness—a film so perfectly mixed with horror and comedy that it set itself […]
Spider-Man 3 started off the bad luck of a bad, bad weekend of terrible third installments in major franchises. I enjoyed both previous movies but this one went terribly wrong early on. The entire middle section was a complete joke and the ending did little to undo the damage. The only bright spot I could […]