The Substance Review
The title refers to a singular fluid, but there are actually a great many other substances at play.
The title refers to a singular fluid, but there are actually a great many other substances at play.
M3GAN escalates into sentient robot girl gone wild.
Jurassic World Dominion starts off at the pace of a lumbering Stegosaurus before finally picking up speed to Velociraptor levels later on.
An errant large asteroid wouldn’t be enough to wipe away this mess.
Crimes of the Future didn’t captivate me with its story despite the fascinating, gruesome effects and made me wish for a better experience in the present.
Men tries too hard to mix a message and symbolism with a creative concept and ends up neutering itself.
The style of Men is undeniable and will either immediately appeal to or put off its audience.
Firestarter feels modern and gritty in its approach and still provides the same thrills that you would expect from one of Stephen King’s creations.
Everything Everywhere All At Once is The Matrix for a new generation.
The Matrix Resurrections feels like taking another red pill as your eyes are reopened to a world that you might not have visited for decades.
Its meaty film noir elements and drenching atmosphere nearly carry the film on their own.
Free Guy appeals to both hard-core enthusiasts and casual gamers alike with an inviting setting where you’ll want to plop your avatar, uh, yourself for a couple of hours.