
Over the years I’ve been involved in various markets (most notably the multimedia/game markets) and have worked alongside, worked as and worked against all three sides of it. The three sides comprise the consumer side, the publisher/developer/manufacturer side and the press side. That experience has helped to give me a fairly healthy understanding of the […]


I’ve been watching the evolution of LCD monitors since their initial use on laptops. Even from those early days, it seemed clear that LCD technology would be the heir-apparent to take over on the desktop as well. Given that likely outcome it made sense to keep an eye on the technology’s progress. I’ve always been […]


It appears to be quite clear to me that Firaxis was pushed to rush the release of Civ IV by their publisher, 2K Games. However, it should also be noted in 2K Games defense that Sid Meier is notorious for his games being dramatically late, in some cases by years (Anyone remember Magic?) Of course […]


I eagerly awaited the release of the latest incarnation of the Civ series, Civilization IV. I stopped by the local GameStop and was surprised to find none of them on the shelves. Thankfully I asked a worker there who promptly pulled the “Special Edition” version from a newly opened box. I then got it home […]