
The other night, on the way home from a weekly event I attend, I started to pay some attention to the show that happened to be on the station I was listening to several hours earlier on the way into the event. The host was someone I’d never heard before by the name of Mike […]

Movies Hard Drive Erase

I am about as anal as anal gets when it comes to keeping my Windows installation as clean as possible. I spend a pretty significant amount of time cleaning up everything including the Windows Registry. Frankly, the Registry is the bane of most users problems and the computing world has been hampered ever since the […]


One of the myriad of things that drives me absolutely nuts regarding the current administration is that they continually treat us all as if we were born yesterday. Today, in Panama City, the President took this approach for all it was worth by declaring, “We do not torture.“ First of all anyone who believes we […]


I’ve been watching the evolution of LCD monitors since their initial use on laptops. Even from those early days, it seemed clear that LCD technology would be the heir-apparent to take over on the desktop as well. Given that likely outcome it made sense to keep an eye on the technology’s progress. I’ve always been […]


It appears to be quite clear to me that Firaxis was pushed to rush the release of Civ IV by their publisher, 2K Games. However, it should also be noted in 2K Games defense that Sid Meier is notorious for his games being dramatically late, in some cases by years (Anyone remember Magic?) Of course […]


I eagerly awaited the release of the latest incarnation of the Civ series, Civilization IV. I stopped by the local GameStop and was surprised to find none of them on the shelves. Thankfully I asked a worker there who promptly pulled the “Special Edition” version from a newly opened box. I then got it home […]


In another blow to the theory of superiority of the wealthy, conservative talk show host Neal Boortz decided to leave his brain in storage for the day and demonstrate just how ridiculous the far right can sound when left to their own thinking for a while. In response to a story in the New York […]


I put together a list of people who, over the years, have said very positive things about me. It doesn’t matter how long or short the list actually is. Suffice to say I was able to get a room full of people together who all felt, quite frankly, that I’m a pretty impressive fellow. I […]


I’ve been waiting on the Creative Labs Sound Blaster X-Fi generation of sound cards for quite some time now. I’m still not entirely sure what Creative is claiming this new level of sound engine is supposed to provide. The marketing is a bit of a thick soup-like substance. Well, the products are finally available, at […]


Let me say this straight out. Harriet Miers is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. I’m completely unmoved by the lackluster argument that so many other justices were not previously judges themselves. That argument is cut from the same cloth children everywhere use to justify mistakes by referencing the actions of others. I […]


The recent comments by radio commentator Bill Bennett underscores a core problem with the fanatics on the conservative side of politics. The problem is that, faced with taking responsibility for a problem, they just don’t do it. There’s an excuse for everything. The extreme left has been guilty of this too. However, that doesn’t buy […]

Movies Loews Theaters

My wife was busy with a work function tonight so I decided to make it a boys night out with my 10 year-old son. Friday marked the opening night of Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. My son likes the characters and anything even remotely cartoon-like and I’ve found past snippets of this pair […]