Game Night Review
A comedy that keeps you guessing while you’re laughing.
A comedy that keeps you guessing while you’re laughing.
It’s equal parts fervently funny, grossly graphic and utterly absurd.
The only thing that I’m wondering about Wonder Woman is what went wrong.
Everyone can sink their teeth into this Wonder Woman regardless of their interpretation.
A mild-mannered but highly-talented unknown artist falls for a charming schemer in Big Eyes. In the early 1950s, Margaret Ulbrich (Amy Adams) found herself in a bad marriage with a young daughter in a world that left her few options. Against common convention, she took matters into her own hands, separating from her husband and moving out […]
For several weeks (months?) I’ve been acutely aware of the new Hitchcock film starring Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock. Anyone who’s seen a movie lately will know why it’s so easily brought to mind. Hopkins, in full character, has been greeting movie-goers to a funny parody asking people not to text during the movie as […]
This week I was a bit nonplussed to see Robin Hood. The reviews were lukewarm and it just all seemed to be getting very little buzz. Thankfully the movie deserves a better fate than that. The first thing to know is that the previews are entirely misleading. If you’re expecting a re-telling of the classic 1938 Errol […]