Black Widow Review
Marvel beat out the James Bond franchise with Black Widow as what feels like the first female James Bond movie.
Marvel beat out the James Bond franchise with Black Widow as what feels like the first female James Bond movie.
A corporate mercenary has to deal with heavy consequences after a high-profile hit sends him into exile in The Gunman. Terrier (Sean Penn) works as a covert security operative for a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). In more direct terms, he’s a corporate hit man working for a group of international mining companies in the Congo. When […]
There’s a point in the big battle scene in Noah when the giant rock monsters fight the evil human beings and prevent them from reaching the ark. This scene fits right in with any of the entries in the series of movies based on The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. Therein lies the […]
I’ve had a bit of a love-hate relationship with director Martin Scorsese‘s films over the years. I tend to find lots of things I simply don’t like about many of the films he’s known for. Sometimes you just don’t connect with someone else’s vision. As a result I really have to be wowed by a Scorsese […]
Rango is the very first animated film from the magicians at Industrial Light & Magic who’ve raised the technology bar in Hollywood so many times over the years that they’ve made it seem commonplace to do so. This first effort has first effort written all over it. The look is typical ILM. In other words […]
The family headed out as a group to see the latest installment of the Indiana Jones story entitled Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. What a mouthful that one is. First, I have to admit, that I have not been a fan of this series. I thought the first one was over-the-top and […]