CAST: Anthony Hopkins

Movies Noah Movie Shot

There’s a point in the big battle scene in Noah when the giant rock monsters fight the evil human beings and prevent them from reaching the ark. This scene fits right in with any of the entries in the series of movies based on The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. Therein lies the […]

Movies Hitchcock Movie Shot

For several weeks (months?) I’ve been acutely aware of the new Hitchcock film starring Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock. Anyone who’s seen a movie lately will know why it’s so easily brought to mind. Hopkins, in full character, has been greeting movie-goers to a funny parody asking people not to text during the movie as […]

Movies Beowulf Movie Shot

Just got back from seeing Beowulf in digital 3D. The first thing I noticed was that the digital presentation was much better than I anticipated. Everything was pretty flawless though the edges of the screen lacked a bit for brightness. I’ve had concerns about resolution (jaggies) and other issues but they were all pretty much put […]