CAST: Bruce Willis

Movies Red 2 Movie Shot

The team from the surprise action/comedy hit of 2010 is back in action with the all-new sequel RED 2. Bruce Willis and John Malkovich are back, starring as retired CIA black-ops agents Frank Moses and Marvin Boggs respecitvely. Frank’s settled down into a rather mundane existence as the live-in boyfriend of Sarah Ross (Mary-Louise Parker) when Marvin […]

Movies G.I. Joe: Retaliation Movie Shot

I’m always wary when they hold up movies for any reason. Lately, that reason has been to add 3D effects or position a release away from other major films’ release dates. In the case of G.I. Joe: Retaliation, they both added the unnecessary 3D treatment and highlighted Channing Tatum to take advantage of his popularity […]

Movies A Good Day To Die Hard Movie Shot

It’s nice to see familiar characters return to the screen to do what they do best as long as they’re not stunted. Bruce Willis has been in some notable films in 2012, including the disappointing Looper and the amazing Moonrise Kingdom, but it’s a pleasure for him to return to the Die Hard series in […]

Movies Looper Poster

Every so often a movie will come along that captivates movie reviewers and the statements you read about it make you wonder if, perhaps, someone at my theater switched it out for some inferior test version. Looper is a perfect example of that. This time-travel film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Joe (everyone in the film […]

Movies Red Movie Shot

I was looking for something a with a bit of a driving pulse and that brings me to Red. It boasts a cadre of capable stars in Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman. The opening credits included a logo for DC Comics suggesting this story is taken from an existing comic but if so I wasn’t aware of it […]

Movies Surrogates Movie Shot

This week found me checking out the new Bruce Willis movie Surrogates. The movie starts with a rather compelling concept of humans living life through the use of hyper-realistic robots. Of course in this world no one’s surrogate is overweight, old or even has a wrinkle. The surrogates all have great hair, perfect skin, perfect […]