The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Review
This unusual fantasy mixture of influences and visuals doesn’t lose your focus or interest.
This unusual fantasy mixture of influences and visuals doesn’t lose your focus or interest.
A rudderless young woman decides to disappear from her own reality in hopes of finding her true calling in Laggies. 10 years after high school, Megan (Keira Knightley) still hasn’t found a way to move on with her life. All of her friends have long since moved on with theirs — getting married, having kids, starting a […]
A burned-out music producer and forlorn songwriter work together on a new album, bringing them peace and passion in Begin Again. New York City is no stranger to countless untold rags-to-riches stories and nearly as many rags-to-riches-to-rags stories. Dan Mulligan (Mark Ruffalo) hopes to be one of the few that can turn the corner, adding a […]
I feel cheated. The previews for Anna Karenina did absolutely nothing to prepare me for the unique approach of this telling of the famous Leo Tolstoy story—and I suspect this was very much on purpose. Many people are probably familiar with the tale as there have been decades of books movies, plays and more. However, […]
Two psychiatric giants intellectually joust in A Dangerous Method. This biopic on the complex relationship between Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and Jung’s patient/mistress (played by Keira Knightley) looked riveting from the previews. I was sold on the concept from the outset. The film comes from David Cronenberg who knows how to present a highly-disturbing story. Initially the film was everything I expected. I […]
Caught Atonement this weekend which means I’ve now managed to see all five of the Oscar nominees for Best Picture. This one is a solid selection. This is a movie whose previews were a bit misleading regarding the plot, at least for me. It’s the story of how someone, especially a child, can misconstrue what it […]
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End fared no better than the other duds I saw this weekend. In fact, I would say I enjoyed Shrek 3 more and if you just read that review that about says it all. The movie was three hours long and that was three hours too long. I found none […]