The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Review
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent suffocates amid the challenge of its central stunt casting and doesn’t approach the level of crazy that you expect until too late.
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent suffocates amid the challenge of its central stunt casting and doesn’t approach the level of crazy that you expect until too late.
Seems like an eternity when there’s nothing funny going on.
Comedies go in cycles, and every now and then, an outrageous gross-out comedy surfaces and tries to match the success of past winners like The Hangover or just about every Farrelly Brothers entry. We’re the Millers was one of last year’s funniest films, and it managed to keep the laughs coming at a tremendous pace. […]
A couple with an infant daughter find their idyllic suburban world shattered when a fraternity unexpectedly moves in next door in Neighbors. Mac and Kelly Radner (Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne) are happily going about their business as first-time parents, obsessing over their young daughter. They’re just managing to keep it all in razor-sharp balance […]