Multi-core Path Continues as Does Common Sense


Been swamped lately with work so I’ve been a bit more scarce than I would have liked. However, I couldn’t help notice the news yesterday regarding Intel’s announcement that it has already built a prototype 80-core processor that it promised to carry through to production within 5 years.

This again goes very much along with earlier comments I made regarding the extremely fast evolution of this area of processor design. That’s 16 cores per year on average. Now all that has to happen is for some of those cores to become dedicated to specific tasks, like graphics and sound, and we’re right on course to replace add-in cards as originally discussed. I continue to still find the possibility of this both intriguing and contrary to past common sense.


Speaking of common sense, I’m glad to see another news item regarding the new intelligence report from the administration that clearly states that the war in Iraq is fueling terrorism and not reducing it. It took this administration all these years and, so far, nearly 3,000 dead soldiers to come to the same realization that at least half the country already knew back before President Bush and group drug the country into this war.

The report also concludes that it’s essential that we win this battle so that the terrorists leave the front feeling that they’ve lost and abandon the battle. Talk about a no-win situation to futility. Send more troops to fight a battle and as the other side grows continue to send more troops to keep them from winning so that you can send yet more troops to keep the new recruits from winning all in the hopes that one day the other side will just get tired of the whole process and move on to other things; perhaps focusing their attention on The World Cup. Yeah, okay. In all of recorded history how often has that happened? Peace comes when the perceived oppressor takes the high ground and the first step and removes itself from the forefront of the battle.

If that region prefers to live in poverty and oppression but without the heavy hand of the United States there, so be it. Let us go back to paying attention to things like March Madness.

Again, I simply want to know why it is that this administration continues to find support in this country when it continually finds itself coming to conclusions that we average folks understood as obvious years before?

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  1. Because the people who support the administration “continue” to understand the media will release pieces of any report to support their anti-administration position. They know the anti-Bush crowd out there doesn’t need much persuasion. I don’t take anyone’s conclusions of events (including and especially yours) without studying them myself. I believe this is true of most supporters of the President.

  2. Please explain why, if half the country is of your thinking, that supposedly it’s in the best interest of most media outlets to be anti-administration?

    The facts haven’t changed on this one. The report has been quoted accurately, included by that so-called “fair and balanced” network, and the content hasn’t changed between them.

    This war is driving terrorism. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  3. Rich,

    I wrote a long reply but when I pressed publish my browser croaked and it was lost (maybe if I’d had a multicore processor 😉 ) If you need explanation for what you say is half the country’s belief maybe you should re-examine your position.
    I don’t believe ANY polls. They’re too easy to manipulate.

  4. Sorry about the lost data. I hate when that happens. I’ve taken to copying long forum posts before I hit anything to publish it because it happens often enough.

    Anyway, the idea that you don’t believe polls because they’re too easy to manipulate comes across as an excuse to me. With that kind of thinking you can just stick your head in the sand and continue to insist the world is flat.

    I don’t need polls to tell me everything. I hear it in the comments of people I interact with. My job takes me all over the country meeting all types of diverse people and personalities. Politics inevitably comes up these days.

    The comments still stand. The report is the report. It’s not a poll. Are you suggesting that a large segment of the population didn’t question the war??? I’m not going to say that X percent questioned the war but it’s seems rather obvious that it was a large percentage of people.

    The bottom line is that we have a President who doesn’t care to listen to reason or the input of others. A recent comment from him was that he’ll continue to stay with it in Iraq even if Laura and Barney are the only two left supporting him. This is not a good trait.

  5. “A recent comment from him was that he’ll continue to stay with it in Iraq even if Laura and Barney are the only two left supporting him. This is not a good trait.”

    It’s certainly not a trait you’d ever find in Democratic/Liberal leadership. They can’t go to the bathroom without taking a poll. When you know something is the right thing to do, you do it.

    I suppose because some people you talk to agree with you, you must all be right.

    I have no problem with people against the war as long as that’s always been their position. It’s the one’s who supported it until it got difficult that I have no stomach for. Because you or some poll says “most of the American people” or “most Iraqi’s want us out” doesn’t make it so and also doesn’t make it relevant. When the Iraqi government in conjunction with the American military says it time to go – then it’s time to go. I’m sorry but none of your polls will change that.
    Drink some more of your kool-aid.

  6. You do what you think is right, against everyone else, and you end up getting just what you deserve. That’s what’s happening now.

    This isn’t a choice of cakes, or a new job selection. He speaks for all of us and to ignore everyone but his own feelings is, to be frank, ludicrous.

    The point is that every week brings another new set of comments and “revelations” that many of us already previous covered, were concerned about and had little doubt represented the facts. Why is it that our so-called best minds have taken YEARS to come to realize the very same things? You don’t see that is being a bit questionable and, worse, potentially dangerous and risky?

    As far as support for the war, I have NEVER been for this war. Not even for a moment. I was for what we did in Afghanistan but now this administration has gambled that away on this folly in Iraq.

    It’s amazing how much everything you’re saying sounds exactly like the same rhetoric we were handed over Vietnam. Nixon told us all we needed to stay the course, that failure to do so would result in the collapse of not only the country but Democracy around the world. We were given continually bright assessments on how it was going (all the way back to Eisenhower including Kennedy and Johnson) and how this was a war we couldn’t afford to lose.

    Interesting how none of what they said turned out to be accurate. Live and learn is my view. Don’t keep pounding the same sand expecting it to turn to gold dust.

  7. “He speaks for all of us and to ignore everyone but his own feelings is, to be frank, ludicrous.”

    If you really believe this statement then there’s no need to continue – because the statement is to use your word – ludicrous.

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