CAST: William Fichtner

Movies Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Shot

Reboots of franchises can be a good idea if they’re done right. The recent Godzilla is a perfect example of how a reboot can still feel fresh and entertain audiences. I can’t be as positive about the reboot — is this the second or third attempt? — of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to coincide with the 30th […]

Movies The Lone Ranger Movie Shot

Many moons ago, kemosabe, Will Smith was the talk of the trail as he dominated the Fourth of July movies with Independence Day and then Men in Black. Greedy producers thought that they could produce the same magic once again, and they pushed their luck with a Western called Wild Wild West. Similarly, the folks […]

Movies Date Night Movie Shot

A couple desperate for a carefree night on the town get far more than they bargained for in Date Night. It seemed inevitable that Steve Carrell and Tina Fey would end up together in a fairly straight-forward rom-com.  The powerhouse comedy duo play typical suburbanite parents caught up in the monotony of everyday life. They love one another, but both […]