CAST: Michael Douglas

Movies Ant-Man Movie Shot

In a summer that already debuted Avengers: Age of Ultron, we didn’t really need more superhero movies. If you look over the upcoming schedule of Marvel films, they are almost all designed and scheduled to be blockbusters. Imagine my surprise when I saw Ant-Man on a similar list a couple of years ago. Ant-Man?! I […]

Movies And So It Goes Movie Shot

An obnoxious semiretired realtor has to take new stock of his life when his son unveils a big surprise in And So It Goes. Smarmy but successful businessman Oren Little (Michael Douglas) is looking for one more major real estate deal before he calls it quits. He represents a property with a listing price of $8 […]

Movies Last Vegas Movie Shot

Four lifelong friends come together for a bachelor party bash and a chance to cure lingering wounds in Last Vegas. Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) spent their childhood as inseparable friends. They knew how to have a great time. The streets of Brooklyn stood in for […]